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Local News | Health Impacts | 5G | EMF | Wifi | Zoning
KTVB 7 – 4G & 5G in Boise – 30″ from your home
KTVB started their 10 pm news coverage reporting on the Mayor’s virtual meeting. They listed a handful of questions the Mayor received, of which “4G & 5G wireless facts” was a common theme!
The U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP) Radio frequency Carcinogenicity Research Study
The U.S. National Toxicology Program, of the U.S. National Institutes of Health, released a report with partial results of their large study on the carcinogenicity of radio frequency radiation (RFR, also known as microwave radiation) in male and female rats and mice.
Call To Action - Protect Your Children And The Treasure Valley
Please Take 5 Minutes to Protect your Children and the Treasure Valley.
How Toxic Is Your Cell Phone? (2020 iPhone Radiation Lawsuit)
Occasionally, the media gets it right. Tucker Carlson on iPhone testing at 5x higher than legal radiation limits.
Most children sleep with The cell phone beside bed - Why This is Bad
Why you should be aware of the dangers of sleeping with your cell phone in bed.